Anton Biryukov

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A Data Scientist with a passion to make Canadian Energy industry smarter / more efficient leveraging common sense, effective visualization tools and (a bit) of Machine Learning.


Languages, Operating Systems & Tools
  • R
  • Python
  • Fortran
  • git
  • linux
  • bash
Front-end (=can hack myself through when necessary)
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Bootstrap
  • R-Shiny
  • Flask
  • Bokeh
  • Hugo
(interactive) Visualization
  • Bokeh
  • Altair
  • ggplot2
ML/DL stack
  • scikit-learn
  • TPOT
  • Keras
  • mlR
  • caret
  • selenium
  • rvest
  • BeautifulSoup
Cloud stuff


Data Scientist (full-time)

Verdazo Analytics (a Pason company) | Calgary, AB
  • Created an in-house automated model training and interpretation library, that boosted the productivity of the data science team
  • Lead development of a cloud-hosted application for oil field NPV optimization, interactively demonstrating opportunities in multimillion CAPEX savings
  • Mentored junior software developers within the team via providing technical support and helping structure approaches for ongoing ML projects
November 2018 - Present

Graduate Student Intern -> Data Scientist (full-time)

CNOOC International (f.k.a. Nexen CNOOC) | Calgary, AB
  • Developed a multivariate model for an improved wellpad completions design aimed at maximizing value of the land development project
  • Worked with a reservoir enginering team on a Bayesian forecasting tool to quantitatively evaluate ultimate recovery and expected cash flow of business development opportunities, with uncertainties
  • Prototyped an application predicting geological properties of oil sands reservoirs using DL/ML methods that helped better characterize reservoir quality
  • Developed a core image segmentation algorithm using CNNs (YOLO) and computer vision Python libraries (openCV) to distill valuable information from unstructured image data
  • Developed user-friendly RShiny applets for data formatting, processing and visualization, contributing to increased efficiency of the workflow
  • Integrated and interpreted data from various geophysical and engineering techniques for a better understanding of the wellpad short- and mid-term behavior
February 2017 - December 2017, April 2018 - November 2018

Data Scientist (intern), Power Markets

CWP Energy | Calgary, AB
  • Worked within quant team to develop algorithms for trading DA-RT spread in CAISO market
  • Implemented a method for bidding curve proposal, minimizing the drawdown based on the history of daily price-weather relationship
  • Developed a scheduled TransCanada Gas Day summary report scraper to streamline gas traders' model workflow
  • Researched free and paid data feeding opportunities to be added into a gas trading strategy
January 2018 - April 2018

Geophysics Summer Intern

Schlumberger (Doll Research Centre) | Boston, MA
  • Streamlined a workflow for a subsurface modelling tool by building upon legacy C++ code, and interfacing it with Python
  • Applied the workflow to reveal changes in an oil sands reservoir, aiding in future well drilling strategy
  • Quantitatively analyzed the limitations of the approach via sensitivity studies, providing both conservative and optimistic outcomes
July 2016 -- September 2016

Geophysical Data Analyst (contract)

Nanometrics - Seismic Monitoring Solutions | Ottawa, ON
  • Developed and implemented new signal processing techniques and configurations resulting in more robust data analysis
  • Designed a front-end for a 2D/3D wave propagation solver to streamline seismic data interpretation
  • Interfaced and automatized a workflow for an in-depth seismological interpretation, widening the range of services provided by the Company
  • Maintained data acquisition and processing systems to ensure timely delivery of data to the client
May 2015 -- September 2015


Working in Oil & Gas / Energy often means the product of your work (code / visualizations / reports) will stay within the walls of the company.

Unfortunately, it’s not in the industry’s habits to open-source valuable contributions, but a trend has recently been set by Equinor to contribute as much as possible to open-source and developer community.

Therefore, here’s a non-exhaustive list of my small and big projects: those shared out with the community or academia as an open source project, or presented at various events, with a schematic of the workflow.

(What celebrity do you sound like?) Diarisation & voice recognition pet project

In this work myself and Dan Sola tried to explore the applications in voice diarisation and voice recognition, and what methods are currently popular in solving these problems. As a result, we realized diarisation is still quite vulnerable to noise in the data and often fails to identify the correct number. Therefore, we focused on studying the voice recognition methods, and researched into the work done by VGG group at Oxford. That allowed to turn our little project into a small Flask app that connects to your microphone, records your speech and shows you who you sounded like over time. If there's no immediate access to a microphone, one can explore examples ran on out-of-sample records downloaded from Youtube.

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Turn Up the Zinc | Third Place solution

Turn Up The Zinc is a machine learning competition hosted on an Unearthed platform (Kaggle-like with a focus on oil and gas / mining industries). This is a 4-week online competition inviting companies and individuals from around the world to build a prediction model for Glencore's McArthur River zinc-lead mine. Specifically, Glencore wanted a model to accurately predict the rougher zinc recovery and the final zinc recovery for each hourly interval in the provided timeseries data.

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Untapped Energy Data Science challenge

This project was a part of an Untapped Energy Data Science challenge, where participatns were tasked with predicting an IP of an unconventional well in Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, as well as classify a status of a well (abandoned/active/suspended) using information provided in the data.

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Well interaction using pressure timeseries analysis & classification

In this work we wanted to quantitatively characterize the interaction between simulatenously completed wells using their pressure timeseries analysis. Our team provided a method for evaluating the degree of fluid connectivity between the wells to assess the extent and complexity of the stimulated network. As a result, one obtains cost efficient, timely means of understanding the stimulated network in order to impact (multi-million $) decisions regarding well spacing, injection rate, perforation design and frac order.

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Markov Chain Monte Carlo for well production forecasting

A main goal of this project was to derive a Bayesian (probabilistic) curve fitting methodology, that allowed for quantile regression of a well's production history and then forecasting its performance in the future. The code has been reasonably optimized and parallelized for simultaneous fitting of multiple wells. The applications are geared towards fast evaluation of an asset's future value & cash flow, and its quantiles (i.e. simulate the best, the worst, and the higher likelihood scenario).

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Ray Tracing in Fortran with Tomography

This repository contains the codes for running ray tracing in 1D layered cake model, implemented in Fortran. There are multiple alternatives with better usage / more user-friendly interface to my codes; though they are also "heavier" to leverage MCMC seismic tomography. The main purpose of Ray Tracing here is to be super quick for the particular case of 1D, so I could easily switch different velocity models, and still be able to quickly trace the rays with arrival times.

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FMI Inpainting

Here I wanted to have fun with FMI image logs, and see if it is possible to fill those super-annoying gaps that you get in both legacy and new images. Fascinated by Adobe's DeepFill v2 performance on datasets unrelated to Oil and Gas, I wanted to see how it performs in "my domain".

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Core Image Localization & Stitching

This project aimed at automating a pretty tedious task of identifying rock quality and lithology from a big dataset of core photographs via application of YOLOv3 for object detection and autoencoder/manifold representation for rock type and quality clustering.

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Geologic Facies classification

This project aimed at developing a lithology (e.g. rock type) prediction tool, that is robust, scalable, and can be applied / generalized on both public and private datasets.

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A collection of articles, presentations or talks - mainly on Upstream O&G DS/ML or Geoscience topics.

Conference talk - Event Origin Depth Uncertainty—Estimation and Mitigation Using Waveform Similarity

The purpose of this study was two-fold. First, we characterized the uncertainty in the event origin due to the inaccuracy in the effective velocity model using Monte-Carlo simulations. We show that presence of a low velocity zone (LVZ) can cause the non-uniqueness and a spread of the solution over a depth range. Subsequently, seismograms from a set of synthetic earthquakes were simulated spanning the depth range of 2-5 km, covering LVZ. By varying the focal mechanism and event origin, we numerically generate a bank of waveforms corresponding to the events with known locations. A set of classifiers is trained on the bank to predict the event location with respect to LVZ based on arrival times and statistical features of the signal waveforms. We demonstrate that adding several features of the signal, descriptive of its origin can improve the location depth constraint, as opposed to using arrival times only as predictor variables.

April 2017

Manuscript - Attenuation of elastic waves in bentonite and monitoring of radioactive waste repositories

Deep geological repositories, isolated from the geosphere by an engineered bentonite barrier, are currently considered the safest solution for long term high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) disposal. As the physical conditions and properties of the bentonite barrier are anticipated to change with time, seismic tomography was suggested as a viable technique to monitor the physical state and integrity of the barrier and to timely detect any unforeseen failure. This manuscript aims at exploring the feasibility of using active sesmic tools for monitoring an integrity of a nuclear waste repository via observing a change in the recorded signal caused by a change in physical properties of bentonite.

April 2016

Manuscript - Workflow to numerically reproduce laboratory ultrasonic datasets

The quality of the numerical results relies on their initial calibration. The main aim of this paper is to provide a workflow to calibrate numerical tools employing laboratory ultrasonic datasets. The finite difference code SOFI2D was employed to model ultrasonic waves propagating through a laboratory sample. Specifically, the input velocity model was calibrated to achieve a best match between experimental and numerical ultrasonic traces.

December 2014


University of Calgary

PhD (not finished)

University of Toronto

Master of Applied Science
Civil Eng / Geophysical Eng

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Bachelor of Science
Applied Physics and Mathematics
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink